Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Waiting On Wednesday

Two days before the start of her junior year, seventeen-year-old Janelle Tenner is hit by a pickup truck and killed—as in blinding light, scenes of her life flashing before her, and then nothing. Except the next thing she knows, she's opening her eyes to find Ben Michaels, a loner from her high school whom Janelle has never talked to, leaning over her. And even though it isn't possible, she knows—with every fiber of her being—that Ben has somehow brought her back to life.

But her revival, and Ben's possible role in it, is only the first of the puzzles that Janelle must solve. While snooping in her FBI agent father's files for clues about her accident, she uncovers a clock that seems to be counting down to something—but to what? And when someone close to Janelle is killed, she can no longer deny what's right in front of her: Everything that's happened—the accident, the murder, the countdown clock, Ben's sudden appearance in her life—points to the end of life as she knows it. And as the clock ticks down, she realizes that if she wants to put a stop to the end of the world, she's going to need to uncover Ben's secrets—and keep from falling in love with him in the process.

From debut author Elizabeth Norris comes this shattering novel of one girl's fight to save herself, her world, and the boy she never saw coming.

Expected Publication April 24th 

And of course I just loaned out my copy.. and now i'm dying to read it. Always happens lol. But that just means I will be ready to jump right in when i get it back!

What are you waiting on?


  1. What am I not waiting on is the question. I saw a post were a blogger has a ARC copy of Insurgent! I'm so jealous! I'm also waiting to get paid! HAHA! Never read anything by this author sounds good though! But book wise I cannot wait till Last Breath by Rachel Caine & Grave Mercy of course!

    1. I will not even try to hide my ency about Insurgent ARCs .. om man the ency lol ! I have not read anything by Rachel Caine I don't believe... by maybe I should check it out! I will be reading Grave mercy soon and hoping it lives up to hype!

  2. Ooo reading the synopsis of this book makes me want to read it! Sounds really intriguing- WHAT IS BEN'S SECRET?! I'm not good at not knowing things.

    My WOW: http://pocketfulofbooksblogger.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/waiting-on-wednesday_28.html

  3. My copy is FINALLY going to show up!!! I AM SO EXCITED! I'm going to read it the second I get it :) Great pick!!!

  4. I've been hearing a lot about this book, but this is the first time I have read the summary. Sounds neat! I like the whole FBI part too! Great pick :)

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW. I hope you are having a good week!

  5. I HAVE BEEN DYING TO READ THAT BOOK! Although, I keep confusing it with Unearthly . . . *hides in shame*

    My WoW . . . no need for a comment but I do love the views I get! :)

  6. I really liked this book. The main character is a very strong girl and the supporting cast is very interesting. The story is about how a girl comes back to life after an accident and what happens afterward. While her death is a part of the story it does not control it all. She finds out who brought her back to life and finds out there is a lot more to the boy then meets the eye. There are other things happening that are more important. There is death, destruction, sci fi mayhem and all sorts of interesting things that go on. You will not be disappointed with the story. If you like interesting sci fi stories you will enjoy this.


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