Tuesday, January 31, 2012

If I did a swag giveaway

Ok folks if you haven't been following the blog lately ( * you haven't!? whaaa??? *cries* ) I kid, I kid. Anywho.. I have collected some swag recently and adore them! ( swag are things like bookmarks, mirrors, magnets, ect that help promote a book, and are also just cool. Maybe I am the only one who loves these things, seeing the magnets on my fridge are an everyday reminder of awesome books! But.. If I am not alone, I would love to share. 

So tell me, would you be up for a swag giveaway?
*Multiple authors/books
*Multiple Winners

( The books would not be in the giveaway ;) these are just the images I have to show off the swag ) 

And more to come! 

Also I connected with a wonderful blogger on Twitter who makes THESE: 

Seriously, How awesome are they!?

Let me know in the comments if this is something you would be interested in ( The swag giveaway ) and what you think about adding in the awesome bracelet above. ( personalized for the giveaway )

If I get good feedback on this giveaway Idea- It will be held within the next few weeks ( still waiting on more to arrive in the mail ) So please keep checking back in with me! 


  1. Come on..really? I would love this as a giveaway! but I have been know as quite the SWAGAHOLIC! and with the addition for the bracelet....ha. NOW YOU ARE TALKING GIVEAWAY! I'm in.

    1. I think the bracelet is pretty dang awesome as well! If it works out I will have to order one for the winner, and 1 for me!

  2. I LOVE swag and I collect it! So a swag giveaway would be awesome ;) also I just died seeing that AMAZING necklace *dies*

  3. Sorry, bracelet :P imagine being able to stare at Ash's face 24/7!!! *swoons*

    1. Haha if I did something like that I think my BF might start wondering why I stare at it so much >.<

    2. I'm along the same lines.... have Ash and Savitar, mixed with Black Dagger Brotherhood and I'm good. (Drool)! Seriously those bracelets are awesome.

  4. Oh my goodness that bracelet!! Where can you buy those?

    1. http://www.bookswithbite.net/p/book-braceletsbook-charms.html
      there ya go @Laianne Lavoie! I will be sure to share the link again during the giveaway :)

  5. I had noticed them before, but only today they they really connect with me and make me think: " dang those are Awesome!"

  6. SWAAAAAG!! All/any of that would be awesome for a giveaway! And...whoa...those bracelets are cool! :D

    1. Lol I kinda guessed you would like those Lisa :) And glad you think so!

  7. I absolutely love swag! They are like unique treasures that can't really be bought in stores and I always feel happy to receive even the smallest of swag. They really do remind you how amazing that book was. They make really good gifts to go along with the book and in my opinion, swag just makes you smile and your whole day much better. Also, it really does help entice a reader to pick up that book if they haven't already. :)

    1. I completely agree! I haven't been able to pick up the way we fall yet, but having the magnet on my fridge, it's just mocking me " reaaaddd me. " lol. Swag is so fun, and you're right, it makes awesome gifts to go along with the book!

  8. i LOVE the Hunger Games charms! :D
    Your blog is great! I have been meaning to read more!
    Anyways, I'm new to Blogger & would be thrilled if you'd follow me back?;)

    1. I hope my blog can help get you hooked back on reading!, and yes, those hunger games ones are quite adorable ;) Checked out your blog, happy to follow a new blogger like myself. Good luck in teh blogging world!

  9. Those bracelets are fantastic! Would she make other book covers, also? I would love something like that!

    1. You can pick up to 5 book covers ( per bracelet ) of your choosing! http://www.bookswithbite.net/p/book-braceletsbook-charms.html

  10. Book swag is friggin awesome, and i am so down for a giveaway ;) Found your blog and now I'm following, and i'll let ya know how Entwined goes ;)
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

    1. Wonderful! looking forward to having some book chats with you !

  11. I love bookmarks and book stuff in general. An these bracelets look really, really awesome! Like totally awesome! I'm so going to check that out no matter if you're doing your giveaway or not ;)

    1. I hope you do! she does such a wonderful job on them!

  12. Wow, that looks all so great!
    So yes, I'd totally be in for a swag giveaway!
    Will you consider making it international though?


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